'You Are All Invited' Photo Exhibit
"An exhibition initiated by the Penang Monthly Meetup for Artists and Art Enthusiasts hosted by Madhvee Deb and Ju Underwood
This exhibition is inspired by the idea of breaking down the psychological barriers that prevent many people from engaging with art. The basic premise is that anyone can be an artist. It is a move to dispense with the elitism often associated with the art world, and to make it accessible to all."
Under Pink Skies: Oia
Yet unafraid.
Inspired of the taste
Of something new.
Come undone.
The ball of yarn
Unravels down the stairs.
I’ve held on too long.
The blood from my knuckles
Trickles down,
Absorbing into my dreams.
The dreams that blinded me.
A shade so dark
I lost myself.
But the taste,
The taste of letting go
Lingers on my tongue
And leaves behind a
Foreign sweetness.
A taste of freedom.
Finding in the winding
Cities inside myself;
An evolving identity.
One that can put
An unexpected smile
On the deepest holes
Of my soul.
Gabriela Garza-Lainez, 2019

Under Pink Skies: Seattle
Have you ever
Held a heart of glass?
Beautiful arrays of light
Shine through.
Fragile and naive.
What happens when
A simple mistake
Makes your hands sweat
Of mistrust?
Shards of a relationship
Taunt you.
Outspread across the floor,
Hurting the feet of loved ones
Trying to get you out.
Grabbing and gluing,
Falling apart,
Bloody fingers,
Wet mascara
Staining your cheeks.
Each shard a memory
A window into the past.
Finally swept up
And tossed into a bin,
Uncluttering your space
And washing your hands.
You visit that same bin
And peer inside
Expecting to find something new,
Broken shards stare back
Where you believe
A pure glass heart
Should wait to be held again.
Gabriela Garza-Lainez, 2019

Under Pink Skies: Salt Lake City
Holding hands
In the sweet scent
Of newfound love.
A playground to explore.
We look up into the sky
Seeing paper cut outs:
Couples holding hands,
Endless laughter,
And iron wrought smiles.
Promising fantasies
Made in the movies.
Forging a life
Not meant to be.
What we confused
For love
Into newfound pain.
I look up again.
I could sink into these
Beautiful clouds
And never feel pain again.
Gabriela Garza-Lainez, 2019